Ok! I admit it! I love bad tv. Maybe this wasn't such a surprise to you, dearest readers.
What may surprise you is that, despite my love of bad tv, I do have standards. I do have limits. I may have loved Moonlight for it's bad, bad, bad, awfully bad dialogue (It's like killing two bats with one stone.), but Vampire Diaries, my friends, is a whole different story.
It's not something I would have picked up on my own. It's true, I have a certain affection for Buffy and Tru Blood-- because they are both really good, and both deal with the real world through this overarching metaphor. And because they are funny and smart. And I've seen Twilight, granted I saw it the first time before I even knew what Twilight mania was, and became more interested in it after I learned of Twilight mania (because that's just effing hilarious-- tweens and middle aged women... gross). But I'm not a "vampire" person. I'm clearly a "dragon" person. And yet, because I love Buffy, now people assume I will enjoy all things with vampires in them?
Or maybe I really am both a "dragon" and "vampire" person.
Either way, Vampire Diaries was recommended to me. I had no idea what I was getting into. I watched 3 episodes and marveled at the stupidity and tenacity of the worst acting, dialogue, sound, cinematography, lore, of any vampire thing I've seen to date (including Twilight). It's the Days of Our Lives for nighttime teen drama. It really makes me wonder... with all of this technology, how cheaply we can make a movie or tv show, how much faster, that production quality can actually have gone DOWN. I mean, wasn't all this fancy shit supposed to make stuff better? Not worse. And, like, sure these kids are attractive. But whatever. Almost everyone in Hollywood is. But GOD, give me someone who can at least act a little bit.
ANYWAY, that's my rant.
And what about this? Plane kills Jogger? WTF?