Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hot Tubs, Babies, and Sailing to the Moon

I am on page nine of a 12-15 page paper, the very last thing I have to do for grad school EVER. It's due tomorrow and I can't make myself look at it, even if it is about some dude from the 16th century flying to the moon via gansas. OH yes, Spanish geese. (Second best mode of transportation besides seg-ways in the shape of a dragon-swan.) The moral of this story is that I am free to do things like buy myself a bottle of Andre, drive home, and blog in the dark surrounded by old papers, books, and a large old bottle of Simply Orange, which has at least 1/2 cup of orange juice left in it. I am well aware that these things stand in for later versions of cats, cobbler recipes, Ensure, and coupons. All of which I'm cool with now. I'm just...not surrounded by them.

I am feeling dfhoeddfesdareh right now. These random letters indicate my current state of melancholy/relief/reflection. This probably has something to do with the aforementioned Hot Tub Time Machine, which I'm almost certain could be distilled down into the following: The only way to undo being a loser is to find a hot tub time machine, time travel, predict the future, sing the black eyed peas, and become rich.

My current state is probably MORE linked to this being the end of the grad school road. Grad school, at least for me, and I feel for most of the people I know, was a glorious train wreck. Maybe it's obvious to say that where you start is generally not where you end up, but I feel like our program dramatic arcs probably out-dramaed Mad Men, and maybe even Friday Night Lights. Not Weeds though. And definitely not Beast Wars. Mostly I'm just sad that so many people (like of course, my fellow blogger AmberN) are leaving. It's the end of an era, if an era is defined by three years. Insert me warbling about everyone I know going away in the end. (Or dancing on a pole while singing Ace of Base, or doing the rap parts of TLC's "Waterfalls.")

My first order of business is to make my sister a youtube sensation. Video coming soon.

My second order of business is to find a Mongolian baby to steal. As AmberN predicted, seeing "Babies" only increased baby fever.

My third order of business is to learn how to use chopsticks. I embarrass people in sushi restaurants.

My fourth order of business involves me finding out, just several moments ago, that Power Rangers is being revived. I think you know where this is going. I want to be a ranger.

I think these are lofty enough goals for now.

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