known as:
can see how this might be complicated, but let me give you a little insight
into some of the families:
The Patriots of House Lannister:

should be able to leave this at obviously. And yet…it’s so much more fun if I
Brady/Jaime Lannister (aka, Lancelot)
Bill Belicheck/Tywin Lannister (the father figure)
![]() | ||
(I tried to get a picture of him dying on the toilet…failed) |
Welker/Tyrion Lannister (the one you love)
my personal favorite:
Edelman/Cersei Lannister (the goldilocks)
The Packers of House Stark
It’s not that they are the most beloved by me, though if the
Seahawks fall my faith will shift to House Stark. It’s that they are
consistently good and there really aren’t many people that I’ve met who
genuinely dislike the Packers. (Plus, they have a running back named Starks.)
(Double plus, direwolves run in packs!)
Aaron Rodgers/Robb Stark (the foxy boy king)
Receivers/Bran Stark (the wide receiver—like radio
transmitter since Bran sees the future)
Offensive Line/Jon Snow & the Wall (because winter is
coming & we gotta protect the QB)
Donald Driver/Arya Stark (bad ass extraordinaire, and
everybody’s favorite)
TJ Lang/Sansa Stark (because they are whiney…)
…and the only really important thing you need to know…
Brett Favre/Ned Stark (because, you know, they were dethroned
when other people got to view their disembodied head)
The Seattle Seahawks House of Targaryen
This one requires a bit more unpacking… namely, you have to
remember that Daenerys, the only remaining heir to House Targaryen, is, in
fact, the mother of dragons.
Pete Carroll/Daenarys Targaryen (the mother of dragons)
Now let us meet some mother fucking dragons.
Golden Tate/Viserion (the one with the golden mark)
Russell Wilson/Rhaegal (the rookie (ie green))
You forgot my 49ers as the white walker awesome zombies from north of the wall! About to Fuck some shit up... (sorry for the language)