Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gee Whiz

The first post is the deepest. (To be sung to "The First Cut is the Deepest.")

Not really. But the first installment of anything, and by anything I mean television shows, usually has to set forth the premise, or impetus, or the whatever. There are certain things that need to be established. All this, while managing to pique and then hold viewer interest. We don't have any viewers (um. yet.), so crisis adverted there, but we do have a premise. Ready, go:

Everything is funnier if you pretend a dragon is doing it.

In times of trouble, I like to pretend everything I do is from the POV of a dragon. Not really, but I should. Or I think ABOUT dragons: dragons water-skiing, dragons wearing oven mitts with the Grand Canyon embroidered on them, any sort of dragon/money accounting scenario, a lone dragon participating in a stirring duet of "Colors the Wind" with John Smith.

I'm actually almost certain that none of our following posts will revolve around dragons. But they could. And that's what matters.

I have also managed to use the word "deep" without making any sort of dirty joke. Win-win!

Amanda B

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