Monday, August 10, 2009

Dragons, Hot Whiskey Breath, & the Dangerous Lives of Hot Girls in America

So, lately… I just haven’t been so much at the bar. Why? You might be thinking. You’re a poet, poets are drinkers. That’s what they do.

Well, yes. I am. And I do like to grab an adult bevy every once in a while but I have spent this summer living drastically under the poverty line and so… funding for whiskey? Less of a priority.

But times, they are a-changing. The semester starts in two weeks (which means a second string of income that will promptly go to my credit card bill), and more importantly, my chapbook manuscript that I’ve been trying to convince publishers to pinch for a while now, well it finally got picked up.

To celebrate, I met my lady A (and second half to this book publishing venture) downtown and we continued through the streets of Boise, following our most poetic whiskey impulses (or in her case, light heffs), playing pool with would-be date rapists, and high fiving to our successes.

The result of so much festive fun? Still drunk in the morning. And almost an hour late for work. And wiped out.

Still—a book forthcoming. Check it Spring/Summer 2010. Who rules? Oh yeah. Me.

Dragons forever!


  1. I'm not sure what a "chapbook manuscript" is, but it certainly sounds like congratulations are in order. Woo! (or w0Ot, as you kids apparently say these days.)

    Stick to bottles and cans rather than draughts, don't leave your drink unattended, and "roofie-colada" is NOT a real drink.

  2. Chapbooks are small books (under 48 pages)-- this one will be 2 chapbooks (mine, which is 32 pages called Your Trouble is Ballooning) and my friend Ashley's (Arousing Notoriety)-- and between the two you will have a full book of poetry. Like, a real book. Which is woot. So thanks!

    And thanks for the tip. I think from now on I will stick to Harry's where I know the drinks are on the cheap ($2 PBRS) and everybody knows my name.

    I should be a-visiting soon.
