Monday, August 17, 2009

Life as Bad Movie-- like D-Wars

This weekend, for the briefest of moments (as in, the whole weekend) my life resembled a bad teen movie in the grand tradition of American Graffiti, Dazed & Confused, and Can't Hardly Wait... the party movie of the century to follow one dragon hero(ine) (moi) through her every hi-jinks.

Which started pretty early on this last, cool, Friday night. Happy hour with a mother-figure. Met a boy who won the lottery after calling him out on listening in on a conversation. Proceeded to be jovial and hyperbolic and ended up at a frat style party where I watched boys in button-ups and puka shell necklaces throw ping pong balls in cups, where drunk boys cried in my lap, where friends told me "Oh yeah, you're fine" while stroking my arm with their fingertips and they lean into a doorjam b/c they have had so many shots they can no longer stand up on their own.

You'd think a Friday night like that would be enough to keep a dragon in... but no. Dragons cannot be stopped!

Mostly, however, I remain concerned with Friday Night Lights and Tim Riggins. He has Dragon Eyes. They burn.


  1. You really lumped American Graffiti in with those other two? Ouch. Suzanne Somers at her BEST.

  2. Well... first of all... Dazed & Confused is really effing good (as is American Graffiti)-- however, I would not say that for Can't Hardly Wait.

    What I would say about all 3 is that they are movies that describe the lifestyle of a generation-- 50's, 70's, and 90's...

    Where would you go for the 60's and 80's? Easy Rider & The Breakfast Club? Nah... not party focused. You need to have a serious party in there somewhere...
